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Microskills Sessions are on pause and will resume in early March.  Private individual, semi-private, and small group lessons are still available.  Please contact us at for more information.

Microskills Sessions are the opportunity for players to receive small group skill or positional work with no more than a 4 player to 1 coach ratio.  (Goalies are a 3 goalie to 1 coach ratio).   This ratio allows for plenty of individualized player feedback, while giving players lots of reps and the chance to practice newly acquired skills under pressure towards the end of each session. 


Each Microskills Session will now be for specific age groups and will focus on a specific skill development theme.  Additionally, while Microskills will continue to serve primarily female, female-identifying, and non-binary players, we will be adding intermittent sessions that are open to players of all genders (these sessions will be noted as coed or serving all genders).


The changes above also help cut costs for our participants!  Cost for Microskills is now only $45 per session (historically $55). 


To view upcoming sessions or register, please see below!  Any questions can be directed to


Upcoming Sessions

Scroll through our upcoming sessions below for session descriptions including date, time, and location. Dates with a purple dot indicate session availability.

Click "Register Now" to learn more about each session or register.  Space is limited at each session.  More sessions will be added as they are confirmed.   Questions can be directed to


To view future sessions, use arrows to scroll forward or backwards.

NOTE: After November 17th, 2023 Microskills will be taking a brief pause to allow players to get adjusted to their youth & high school schedules.  We will likely offer some sessions during the holidays and will then resume sessions in February.  If you are interested in working with us during this time frame, please contact us at for information on private individual or small group lessons as these opportunities will still be running during this time.

Microskills Schedule

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