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There are many ways to develop your skills and hockey sense both on and off the ice.  In addition to off-ice training, Video Review & Analysis is a great tool to help you better understand the game, develop deeper hockey sense, and see your skill areas of strength and future areas of focus. 

Given the ease of taking and sending video from a phone or device and film now more easily accessible via Livebarn and other streaming services, G4H now offers Video Review & Analysis for anyone interested!

Services include (but are not limited to):


Individual Skating, Shooting, or Stick Handling Analysis: Client would send a video of themselves performing skill(s) they would like analyzed noting what they would like to work on.  G4H staff would then set up a time in person or via Zoom to walk through the video or could opt have analysis sent to them in a recording.  Analysis includes how to improve areas of focus.

Goaltender Analysis: Client would send game video (can be link to entire game, clips, or date/time of game in Livebarn) or working through a specific skills, such as shuffles, butterfly slides, post recovery, glove/blocker, rebounds, etc. G4H staff would then set up a time in person or via Zoom to walk through the video or could opt have analysis sent to them in a recording.  Analysis includes how to improve areas of focus.

Individual Game Play Analysis: Client would send game video (can be link to entire game, clips, or date/time of game in Livebarn), which G4H staff would review for offensive & defensive positioning, team play concepts, and playmaking. Individual skills can also be assessed upon request.  Review with G4H can take place in-person or virtually or can be sent in a recording.

Small Group or Team Game Play Analysis: Game video would be sent to G4H (can be link to entire game, clips, or date/time of game in Livebarn).  G4H will analyze with a focus on game concepts, team play, and systems.  Review with G4H can take place in-person or virtually or can be sent in a recording, though with teams live sessions are preferred so group questions can be answered.

Pricing & Scheduling

Pricing is dependent on service provided.  Packages are also available for those looking for more than one session or who would like to combine video review with private lessons.

To schedule a session or inquire about cost, please contact us at with what service you are interested in above. 

Please note that, developmentally, Game Play Analysis is recommended for 12U+ with Individual Skill Analysis at 10U+.  Players of all ages are welcome to inquire about one on one or small group training.

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