Join us for the 2024 G4H Jam!
Due to inclement (warm) weather, the 2024 G4H Jam has been rescheduled!
Rescheduled Date/time: Sunday, March 10, 2024 INDOORS at Leddy Park Arena
8:15am - 2:15pm - 3 v 3 format
2024 G4H Jam Schedule
Sunday, March 10 - Leddy Park Arena
Please note: To view schedule for rinks 3 & 4, please use the horizontal scroll button on the schedule.
Check out scenes from our 2022 G4H Jam below!
In partnership with Sisters of Anarchy Ice Cream and Fisher Brothers Farm, G4H is excited to host the 3rd Annual G4H Jam Pond Hockey Tournament! This one-day tournament is a fun-filled day dedicated to celebrating girls/women's ice hockey and what G4H is all about! Though G4H is not a non-profit, proceeds from the tournament will support G4H grow the game initiatives.
For more information about G4H and what we're all about, click here.
UPDATED Friday, Feb 9th
When: Rescheduled to Sunday, March 10th - indoors
Games will be held anywhere from 8:15am - 2:15pm depending on division and number of sign ups. Each division will complete their games in no more than a 4-hour block of time. Our Advanced Adult Division will skate from 8:15am - 12:15pm with our Novice Adult Division and High School/14U Division skating 10:15am - 2:15pm.
Where: The rescheduled event will take place indoors at Leddy Park Arena
216 Leddy Park Road, Burlington, VT
Who: Female, female-identifying, and non-binary individuals ages 13 - Adult who want to get out and play! We will be hosting divisions for 14U/High School, Novice Adult (2 Divisions, Competitive & Recreational) and Advanced Adult. Please see our Divisions, Rules & Policies sheet for more details.
If you do not fall into the above categories, you are welcome to come cheer on teams. We are also looking for volunteers! Please click here for more information.
Why: For fun!
This is a great way to meet new people and celebrate girls/women's ice hockey!
Extras: We will have snacks for sale and G4H gear available for purchase.
How It Works
Participants may register as a team or as a "free agent". Teams can be as few as 4 or as many as 6 players. Free agents will be added to teams who have expressed interest in accepting level-appropriate free agents to fill out their roster.
Each team is guaranteed four games - three round robin games and one divisional playoff game (championship or consolation). G4H will provide jerseys (to keep!) for each team/team member. Winners of each division will also receive a G4H Jam t-shirt and delicious ice cream courtesy of our partners at Sisters of Anarchy!
Edited for indoor tournament: Each game will be 22 minutes in length, split into two 11-minute halves with a 1 minute break in between to switch ends, do ice maintenance, etc. There will be built in breaks throughout the tournament to rest, regroup, grab a snack, change "rinks" and prepare for the next segment.
With this set up, each division will be completed within that a 4-hour max window, leaving room to watch or volunteer at other division's games, to enjoy some snacks on site, or to head home and prepare for the week ahead.
For more information on rules, equipment requirements, and expectations, click the green button below.
Schedule & Registration Details
If you were registered for the Sunday, Feb 11th tournament and have not yet RSVP'd for the rescheduled date of Sunday, March 10th, please click here. If you select that you can attend, we will forward your registration to the new date. If you select that you cannot attend the new date, this will trigger a refund.
If you have not yet registered or can now attend based on the rescheduled date, please see details below:
You may register a team or register as an individual "free agent".
Registering a Team: Teams made up of are 4 - 6 players. Teams will need one "captain" who will fill out the team registration, which can be made online via the registration form. No payment is required to register a team (this is different from past years). Each player this year will pay G4H directly. Please note: You will need a team name and your players will need to know their team name when they register.
Following team registration, the team captain will be sent a link to a waiver/payment form. This needs to be filled out by every individual participant. Individual players will pay G4H directly via this form. If they wish to pay with a method other than credit, debit, or PayPal, they can select "offline checkout" and we will contact them.
If you are short a few players and have open roster slots you would like to fill, there will be a question on the team registration from asking if you would be open to accepting "free agents". If a "free agent" becomes available and would be a good fit, we will connect you.
Registering as a Free Agent: Individuals may register for this event as "free agents". Free agents will fill out an individual registration form. Once your form is submitted and payment is made, your spot is solidified. As the event gets closer (usually 1-2 weeks out), we will be in touch with what team you will be placed with within your selected division. Your team may be an established team with a free agent opening, or could be a team completely comprised of free agents. If you have a friend you would like to participate, but do not have a full team, both parties should sign up as free agents. There will be a spot to indicate if there is a friend you would like to be placed with or a specific team you would like to join.
Tournament Cost: $65 per player
In addition to a 4 game guarantee, participants will receive a G4H Jam tournament jersey, and a "welcome pack" at registration. Winning teams receive a G4H Jam t-shirt and ice cream courtesy of our partners at Sisters of Anarchy!
Rink sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 G4H Jam and other programs still available. Click here to learn more.